Typography Task 4: Final Compilation and Reflection

27.08.21 - 26.11.21 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Chai Yi Xuan / 0346645 / B' Creative Media
Task 4 / e-Portfolio


Task 4: Final Compilation (e-Portfolio)


To-Do List:

Compile all assignments/projects done throughout the semester

List of assignments/tasks:

Task 1: Exercise 1 & 2

Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication

Task 3A: Type Design & Communication

Task 3B: Type Design & Communication


Task 1: Exercise 1 & 2

Duration: Week 1 - Week 5
Hours Taken [Estimated]: 16 hours

Exercise 1: Type Expression [10 hours]

Figure 1.1.1: Digitized type expression (06/09/21)

Figure 1.1.2: Animated type expression GIF (17/09/21)

Figure 1.1.3: PDF file of Exercise 1: Type Expression

Exercise 2: Text Formatting [6 hours]

Figure 1.2.1: Final text formatting (24/09/21)

Figure 1.2.2: PDF file of Exercise 2: Text Formatting

Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication 

Duration: Week 5 - Week 7
Hours Taken [Estimated]: 12 hours

Figure 2.1: Final text formatting (04/10/21)

Figure 2.2: PDF file of Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication

Task 3A: Type Design & Communication 

Duration: Week 8 - Week 11
Hours Taken [Estimated]: 20 hours

Figure 3.1: Typeface 'Vertica Regular' (20/10/21)

Figure 3.2: Final typeface poster (28/10/21)

Figure 3.3: PDF file of Task 3A: Type Design & Communication

Task 3B: Type Design & Communication 

Duration: Week 11 - Week 13
Hours Taken [Estimated]: 26 hours

Figure 4.1: Finalised CNY sticker, B&W (13/11/21)

Figure 4.2: Finalised CNY sticker, colour (13/11/21)

Figure 4.3: Finalised GIF sticker animation (18/11/21)

Figure 4.4: Sent stickers in Telegram (light background)

Figure 4.5: Sent stickers in Telegram (dark background)

Figure 4.6: PDF file of Task 3B: Type Design & Communication



Typography has been a ride for me. Out of all the 'skills' I had prior to this semester, typography was one of my weaker points. I did not have much interest in the topic overall, and I wasn't sure how I would fare while taking the module. Much of my experience comes from stumbling around until I found the solution, but as each tasks goes by the easier it is identify what was needed of me. The tasks do get harder, but at least I wasn't stuck not knowing where to start.

Overall, typography has really expanded my knowledge and made me appreciate it more than I did before. Learning about what makes the letterforms work to creating one yourself, I think this has made me understand the uniqueness each type carries and what makes it click. It has been an enlightening journey and I hope that I can utilise this knowledge in the future.


I observed that typography is not just about pretty, aesthetic fonts. There is a lot to consider such as structure and legibility of the typeface. While you can slap some cursive and pretty graphic elements on to it— if without consideration, the font can just look like one big mess. Half of your energy will be spent deciphering the words, and it takes up longer time to read (which you probably won't have the energy to have at this point). So it is important to understand the structure and formation of words before trying to make any changes, as Mr Vinod once said(to me): "Understand the rules before you break them."


I found that typography plays a huge part in designs. Magazines and websites are examples of the importance of typography. Magazines with bad layouts and websites with almost illegible fonts can be off-putting to the viewers, making them put down the book or close the webpage and move on. Therefore, it is the typographers job to make words on the pages to be interesting, readable, and just enough to keep the audience engage with the material.


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