Game Art: Final Project - Art Bible

30.06.23 - 17.07.23 (Week 13 - Week 15)
Chai Yi Xuan / 0346645 / B' Creative Media
Game Art / Entertainment Design
Final Project / Art Bible


To-Do List:

  • Create call sheet for each character
  • Create splash art/key art for each character

Week 13

I worked on refining my model further by sculpting the details onto the armor and adding other details that I couldn't in Project 2. At least it didn't take too long to finish it.

Figure 1.1: Refined and completed 3D model

Week 14

I drafted out the key artworks for my characters. For Zamira (protagonist), I wanted to recreate the all-out attack CG scene because I really liked the aesthetics. For Qi (companion), I decide to refer to one of the official artworks for Persona 5.

Figure 1.2: Key art inspirations

Figure 1.3: Splash art draft for Zamira

Figure 1.4: Splash art draft for Qi

I also started working on the turnarounds for Zamira and Kyohebi (antagonist).

Figure 1.5: Character turnaround line art, Zamira

Figure 1.6: Character turnaround line art, Kyohebi

Week 15

I mostly worked on rendering the splash art and turnaround, while compiling everything else in my presentation slides. I didn't have time to create an entirely new artwork for Kyohebi, so I ended up combining her idle pose with the interior set I've done in Environment Design.

Figure 1.7: Character turnaround, Zamira

Figure 1.8: Character turnaround, Kyohebi

Figure 1.9: Zamira splash art, all-out attack CG

Figure 1.9: Qi splash art, first time summon

Figure 1.10: Kyohebi splash art, final boss battle

PDF presentation file for Final Project


Week 14

Quickly work on your turnaround, and do your best for your splash art. It's an important component as it is a determining factor if your concept will sell or not.


If there's anything I got out of this experience, it's that I work slower than I expected myself to. Since this module is paired with Environment Design, I was working on both of them at the same time. To be exact, it's because I have more than one illustration to work on that it derailed my plans to finish it at top quality. I managed to produce something, but I know I could've done better than this. I also realised it takes me around 6 hours to produce one illustration, which is considerably a lot of time for a painting that I felt like I could do better. A lesson learned— do not underestimate my workload and must properly manage my own time.


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