Digital Matte Painting: Exercise - Fundamentals of Matte Painting

03.04.23 - 22.06.23 (Week 1 - Week 4)
Chai Yi Xuan / 0346645 / B' Creative Media
Digital Matte Painting / Entertainment Design
Exercise / Fundamentals of Matte Painting


To-Do List:

  • Study the basics of matte painting

Week 1

For our first week, we were to draw 10 perspective sketches, for one-point, two-point, and three-point perspective.

Figure 1.1: Perpestive sketches #1

Figure 1.2: Perpestive sketches #2

Figure 1.3: Perpestive sketches #3

Week 2

Value paintings are important to identify the contrast between subjects, hence we are to do six value painting based on existing photography.

Figure 1.4: Selected photography

Figure 1.5: Value study #1

Figure 1.6: Value study #2

Figure 1.7: Value study #3

Figure 1.8: Value study #4

Figure 1.9: Value study #5

Figure 1.10: Value study #6

Week 3

We did sky replacement exercise this week, to get us used to using Photoshop and change hue/saturation to fit the scene/time/place.

Figure 1.11: Sky replacement compilation

PDF presentation file for Exercise


Week 2

What you have is good, but you need to work faster on the other value studies as well. Also try to make value difference more obvious.


The exercise is kind of draining, especially for the perspective part. It wasn't necessary for us to detail out everything in the photo, but I did it because I wanted to observe and understand the perspective better (and also, it will look less like a huge block in the middle of the canvas). Value studies isn't too exhausting to work with, but it did take up a lot of time since I wanted to get the shading differences properly. Sky replacement was fun though, since it's pretty much just cropping out the base plate, replacing it with another sky and changing hues and saturation.


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