Research & Methodology: Reflection Report & Presentation

23.06.22 - 10.07.22 (Week 13 - Week 15)
Chai Yi Xuan / 0346645 / B' Creative Media
Design Research & Methodology
Task 4 / Reflection Report &


 Previous lectures can be found in:

Research Proposal

Critical Review

Primary Data Collection


To-Do List:

  • Compile all previous assignments and write a reflective report on the research
  • Record yourself presenting your research data

Week 13

My observation analysis took longer than expected, and it takes me more time to compile it all into a presentation slide. Aside from compiling my research data, I had to write my reflection report for the research. I was getting overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do, added with other work from different modules.

Week 14

I was finally done with my observation analysis, but I was still slow in progress. My reflection report isn’t doing too well as I had to focus on other deadlines coming up in the week. I managed to do a small amount, but aside from that, not much has been done.

Week 15

I finally found the time to record my presentation and to do my reflective report. Again, it took some time but it was done in the end.

Figure 1: Recorded presentation

Figure 2: Research Reflection Report


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