Research & Methodology: Primary Data
23.05.22 - 19.06.22 (Week 8 - Week 12)
Chai Yi Xuan / 0346645 / B'
Creative Media
Design Research & Methodology
Task 3 / Primary Data
Data Collection
The purpose of data collection is to obtain information, keep on record, make decisions about important issues, and pass information on to others. There are two types of data— primary data and secondary data. Secondary data is already collected through Critical Review assignment, so we will be focusing on primary data.
Primary data is the data collected from the field under control and supervision of an investigator. Primary data means original data that has been collected specially for the purpose in mind. This type of data is generally fresh and collected for the first time.
There are two types of methods of research and two types of techniques. The methods are qualitative and quantitative; and the techniques are online and offline.
Quantitative methods are numerical, statistically reliable and projectable to a broader population. There are multiple sampling methods that can be utilized according to the type of research done. Random samples do not set a specify target audience, and do not indiscriminate any answers from any participants. Stratified/Segment random sampling defines a certain target or representative, which would make the data more focused but random enough to get a variety of answers. Quota sampling, however, is a method of carefully selecting the subject and questions, and limits them— which may not be a full representative of the broader population.
Qualitative methods are in-depth and insight generating. They are non-numerical and directional. The most common techniques that adopt a qualitative method are personal interviews and focus groups.
The techniques used to collect data are observation method, personal interview, telephone interview and mail survey.
To-Do List:
Deploy at least ONE research method to collect data, either qualitative, quantitative or mixed
Week 8
I decide to settle for a questionnaire for my research method since it can be a good way to gather people’s opinions. I looked over my research objectives and questions, and then formulate the proper questions for my survey.
Week 9
I have written down a few inquiries that could help in answering my research questions. However, I felt like they weren’t enough and have written down more questions. Based on my feedback given by Dr Hayati, I added and tweak my questions so they would be better received by participants.
Week 10
I finished up the questions and transferred them to the Google Form. I let Dr Hayati go through my survey before deploying and distributing it. I send it through several Discord groups and Instagram.
Week 11
While I was receiving responses, the rate it was going at was very slow. With the low number of participants, I felt that I might not be able to reach the required amount for my survey to be considered a proper statistic. Therefore, I decided to implement another research method, which is to do an observation analysis. I chose to go to IGN, a game review website to find the top games for 2021 as my subjects for analysis.
Week 12
I felt something was lacking as I was doing my observation analysis. After a feedback session with Dr Hayati, I realised what I needed and scraped my current observation analysis. Instead, I picked the games most mentioned in my survey and perform my analysis on them. Therefore, I can tie the data together and make them both relevant and justified.
The process took me longer than expected since one of the games had a lot of characters, and I had to narrow them down and made sure that I still have valuable data. Eventually, I able to finish my observation analysis.
Figure 1: Data Collection Presentation
In this particular assignment, I had some doubts of my own. I knew the questionnaire would be the easiest way to gather data, but my ability to network and my persuasion skills aren't up to par. When Dr Hayati said to gather 80 responses, I was feeling dreaded. My next best option was to implement a second research method. Thankfully I could tie my visual analysis with my questionnaire, which can be used to affirm the data I collected from the responses.
Overall, the challenge for me in this assignment is collecting enough data to make it credible. At the very least, I managed to affirm my findings and formulate a conclusion out of them.
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