Interactive Design: Final Project

21.06.22 - 09.07.22 (Week 13 - Week 15)
Chai Yi Xuan / 0346645 / B' Creative Media
Interactive Design
Final Project / Design, Exploration & Application


To-Do List:

Expand upon the microsite done in Project 2 and create 4 more functional pages

Week 13

I did some sketches of the prototype and turn them to hi-fi in Adobe Illustrator.

Figure 1.1: Low-fi prototype sketch

Figure 1.2: Hi-fi prototype, services page

Figure 1.3: Hi-fi prototype, about page

Figure 1.4: Hi-fi prototype, training page

Figure 1.5: Hi-fi prototype, rehabilitation page

Figure 1.6: Hi-fi prototype, faq/contact page

Week 14

I started coding the pages for the website. It was overwhelming to keep track of all the tags going on in each HTML file. Adding on to all the stylizing and adjustments done in the CSS stylesheet, I feel like I'm going crazy from reading codes.

In the process of coding, I felt like I could do more for each pages. Therefore, I added more elements into pages I felt like were lacking in content. Again, it gave me more to code. At this point, it's nothing new to me.

Figure 1.7: Coding accordion for FAQ page

Figure 1.8: Even more codes in CSS stylesheet

Week 15

After a long, grueling session of coding, I finally finished it. I tested out the website before submitting the link to Google Classroom.

Figure 1.9: Published website, about page

Figure 1.10: Published website, services page

Figure 1.11: Published website, training page

Figure 1.12: Published website, rehabilitation page

Figure 1.13: Published website, FAQ page

Link to website: Puppy Plays


This assignment really made me exhausted from all the coding needed to do to design a website. As helpful as Bootstrap is, there is still a lot that I have customize on my own in the CSS stylesheet. There is probably a more efficient way of doing things, but with the limited time I had on my hands, I couldn't really do more research and play around.

Overall, I did like how my website turned out, but I do wish I didn't have to rush the process to meet the deadline given. If I had to do this again, I probably would be faster- I would make sure I spend less time on the prototype stage, since coding it all takes a lot of time.


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