IVN: Final Compilation and Reflection

26.08.21 - 05.12.21 (Week 0 - Week 0)
Chai Yi Xuan / 0346645 / B' Creative Media
Illustration & Visual Narrative
Task 4 / e-Portfolio: Final Compilation and Reflection


To-Do List:

Compile all assignments/projects done throughout the semester

List of assignment/task:

IVN Task 1: Exercise

IVN Task 2: Project 1 - Decisive Moment (Poster)

IVN Task 3: Project 2+Final Project - Webtoon & Motion Comic


IVN Task 1: Exercise
Duration: Week 1 - Week 5

Figure 1.1: Vormator character (Troian)

Figure 1.2: Vormator character game card (front)

Figure 1.3: Vormator character game card (back)

IVN Task 2: Project 1 - Decisive Moment (Poster)
Duration: Week 5 - Week 9

Figure 2.1: Decisive moment poster

Figure 2.2: Animated poster GIF

IVN Task 3: Project 2 + Final Project - Webtoon & Motion Comic
Duration: Week 9 - Week 15

Figure 3.1: Webtoon pg 1

Figure 3.2: Webtoon pg 2

Figure 3.3: Webtoon pg 3

Figure 3.4: Webtoon pg 4

Figure 3.5: Webtoon pg 5

Figure 3.6: Webtoon pg 6

Figure 3.7: Webtoon pg 7

Figure 3.8: Webtoon pg 8

Figure 3.9: Webtoon pg 9

Figure 3.10: Webtoon pg 10

Figure 3.11: Motion Comic

Link to webtoon: The Neighbour Next Door
Link to motion comic (YouTube): IVN Final Project



This module has been a nice insight in illustrating and animating. Each of the assignment have challenged me in my skills in handling Adobe Illustrator and After Effects, which would be useful in the future. The biggest takeaways in this module is knowing how much effort goes into producing designs— and it gives me a new appreciation for animators and illustrators, who worked hard to produce the designs we see everyday.


I observed that visual design plays a huge role in our daily lives. Much of our time is spent on looking at visuals to gather information. Pictures tells a thousand words, as they say. So it becomes vital that what we present in our designs must convey our message in an aesthetically pleasing way. If a design lacks appeal, or has too many elements (e.g. over-filling with information & 'pleasing' visuals), it can turn off the audience from looking at it or overwhelm them.


I found that visual narration can be a handy skill to have. Most designs utilises only pictures/graphic elements to convey their message rather than words. If done right, it can be equally, and sometimes more effective than words.


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