DPI Project 02

20.09.21 - 18.10.21 (Week 5 - Week 9)
Chai Yi Xuan / 0346645 / B' Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Project 2 / Poster


Week 5 (Introduction)


To-Do List:

  • Photoshop yourself in Hearst Mansion
  • Recolouring exercise
  • PSA Poster about Covid-19


PART A: Hearst Mansion & Recolouring Exercise

Week 5

Our first exercise of the project is to photoshop ourselves into a location, and make it look as natural as possible. Mr Martin had already provided the picture of the location, so we only had to take a picture of ourselves.


Figure 1.1: Photo of myself for the Hearst Mansion exercise

 After taking the picture, I photoshopped myself into the Hearst Mansion picture.

Figure 1.2: Photoshop myself in Hearst Mansion

Week 7

For the recolouring exercise, I chose one of the photos provided by Mr Martin. Then, I went through Pinterest to find the appropriate subject to get the colour palette I need.

Figure 1.3: Photo chosen to recolour

Figure 1.4: Photo chosen for skin colour

Figure 1.5: Photo chosen for hair colour

Figure 1.6: Recolouring exercise, finished

PART B: PSA Poster

Week 6

Before planning out my PSA poster, I had to do some research on how Covid-19 impacts the mental health of teens and pre-adults. I read up on a few articles before compiling them into a short summary.

Summary of research:

In this pandemic, people have been feeling lonely. Many missed the feeling of getting together with friends and family, and some started to get a ‘cabin fever’. And in this uncertain time, it is hard to say when they will meet each other again.

People who work/study overseas are stuck in their temporary abodes, yearning to see their families again. Many students, especially of university ones, find it stressful and insecure to be far away from home. They feel the ‘lack of protection’ that their parents provide, and some just missed interacting with their families face to face.

To avoid the spread of the pandemic, people are forced to stay at home. This act impacts teenagers heavily, as many of their activities are stopped to prevent outbreaks. Many social activities are cancelled and it is hard to find a chance to hang out with their friends. It leaves a negative impact on teens as they are changing physically, emotionally and mentally at this age. The act of staying at home makes them feel isolated and creates anxiety.

Covid-19 has challenged teens and pre-adults when it comes to their mental and emotional health. However, this is happening to everyone, and we must remind ourselves: even if we feel lonely, we’re not facing this problem alone.

We are also encouraged to search up on PSA posters to understand how to create a good poster.

Figure 2.1: Inspiration #1

Figure 2.2: Inspiration #2

Figure 2.3: Inspiration #3

Once I found some PSA posters as inspirations and reference, I took

Figure 1.: Finalised poster


Week 3

6th September, Monday

Mr Martin noted that he understood what I wanted to show in my physical collage, but the execution was not on par. Most of the elements felt separated from each other, telling a different message on each different focus. He suggested that I cut one of my elements(the group of people) into smaller individual ones and play with the composition more.

Week 4

13th September, Monday

Mr Martin preferred the my second and composition for the digital collage. He sees the direction I was going for in my design and mentioned that they are close to ready for submission.



Classes are quite formal, as it is conducted live. However, lectures and tutorials were not as boring as I initially thought, as Mr Martin encourages us to tryout Adobe Photoshop as he does his demonstrations. I feel more engaged in class and get to learn things because the class can ask technical questions on the spot.



I noticed that everyone has a way of showing their preferences and aesthetic in their designs. This can be seen in Part B of the project, the digital collage. Everyone was given the same elements to use for their collage, however everyone has an idea of their own and no designs were clashed. It shows that each designer has their own way of expressing themselves.



I found that compositions are very important in design. While I was doing this project, I had trouble understanding how to make my collages look more visually appealing. After multiple tries and some guidelines, I was able to grasp the concept and managed to produce a better looking collage.

I also realised that design needs a meaning and purpose. Not only does it make the creative process much easier, it also puts meaning in our works. It is better than blindly creating something and then try to fit it in a category that it does not belong.

I should improve my understanding on compositions, to ensure that I can create something visually appealing— and something that speaks to the target audience.


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